Thursday 30 September 2010

Kidnapping in Nigeria

Nowadays in Nigeria the major way people see of making money fast is by kidnapping, gone are those days were people robbed houses. People see this as a means for making money for themselves because when a loved one of yours is taken by unknown people it will make you go through any length in order to see your loved ones again. So kidnappers capitalise on this knowing the kind of pains it will bring to the victim's loved ones thereby making them to do whatever the kidnappers demand which most commonly is to pay a ransom.All this is because of the economic situation in the country.

Kidnapping in Nigeria has seen a tremendous rise since 2007 which before then was very minimal.Before, it was only foreigners who were victims of abduction up until 2007 when there was a sudden kidnapping rampage of Nigerian nationals which include politicians/famous people children, lecturers and so on and so forth.Moreover the sums of money demanded by kidnappers have seen a ginormous drop which before were millions of dollars to as little as N10,000 (£40).

Most recently 15 primary school children were kidnapped in aba, abia Nigeria and on their way to school.A ransom of N20,000,000 (£90,000) as demanded by their abductors which was later dropped to N350,000 (£1600) because they are willing to release the children which the whole world has condemned.

The federal government has to do something about this before it gets out of hand.
