Thursday 2 September 2010

Years Lost

It was recently in the news that for Nigeria to achieve uninterrupted power supply it will cost the nation 7.5 trillion naira ($50 billion) which i believe the country should have achieved long time ago.The purported fee is happens to be almost twice the country's budget for a whole year which i think is ludicrous because the country was meant to have started long time ago during the 1980s when there was an oil boom to make the country worthy of being called the giant of Africa but instead it was the opposite that was done which has led to poverty and underdevelopment.
All of a sudden the Nigerian government have woken up from their slumber and decided to embark upon development initiatives which is a little bit too late because the population of the country is  increasing and more people flocking from villages to cities searching for jobs .Nigeria has also lost many years of gaining potential growth because of mismanagement of the economy and all other things.
If the government can develop policies on economic growth it will help the economy so that the pace of growth is fast.

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