Monday 19 September 2011

Importance Of Insurance

Many people in Nigeria know about insurance but very few embrace it. The perceptions of many people is very very negative as regards to insurance, they often think that insurance companies are out to take your money without responding to claims made by policyholders, but i tell you things are changing in Nigeria. New insurance products are being created by insurance companies that offer policies that are investments and at the same time insurance. 
It is very advisable to buy a life insurance policy to protect you from life's uncertainties, for those that have children and dependants this is a must so your children or dependant don't suffer if you pass away, as nobody knows his/her destiny. So your children and dependants can continue their education the way they were before your death
Secondly, the way the emergency services in Nigeria are not favourable to people in distress and people in need of help i.e accident victims. If there were a serious accident the emergency services don't respond or are too slow to respond in which a potential victim of the accident could die as a result of no immediate care. It will will be very good to have a life insurance policy that can protect you from the risk of you dying and your family facing difficulties as a result of your death.
More so the Nigerian economy is growing, the first quarter of 2011 it grew by 6.64% and its expected to have a (forecasted) increase by between 7 - 8% by 2012. Many Insurance Companies in Nigeria have recorded an increase in sales of life policies and also in premium income because people's perceptions have started changing positively.
So if you don't have a life policy, you go out there and take out one from an insurance company.  You could buy from the leading insurance company in Nigeria AIICO Insurance Plc ( through one of the agents. You could contact 
Tari Opuene
Marketing Executive
for an Insurance Quote
